воскресенье, 2 декабря 2018 г.

Travelling together

Read and learn by heart the dialogue. Then act it out.

A.      Hi! Nice to meet you.
B.      Hello. It`s so good we are travelling together.
A.      Where are from?
B.      I am from Italy.
A.      You are Italian, aren`t you?
B.      I don`t know exactly. My mother is half German and half Italian. My father is half Welsh and half Russian. So what nationality am I?
A.      Oh, it`s really difficult to say!
B.      Are you going to learn Russian?
A.      It is a difficult language. I think we`ll have good practice in Moscow.
B.      What time do we land in Moscow?
A.      At half past four.
B.      OK. Is it cold in Moscow now?
A.      I don`t think so. It`s about zero.
B.      That`s good. I am going to walk about the city.

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