среда, 26 декабря 2018 г.

Flora and Fauna of the British Isles

The fauna or animal life on the British Isles is like in the north-west of Europe. Many larger animals such as bears and wolves don't live on the British Isles anymore but there are a lot of smaller animals: foxes, rabbits, hares and hedgehogs. Deer live in the forests of Scotland and England too. There are also different kinds of fish, snakes, lizards, frogs, butterflies and dragonflies.
More than two hundred species of birds live on the British Isles and about two hundred kinds are visitors of the place. Many of them are songbirds, in spring land rings with their singing. The most common are blackbirds and sparrows. A lot of waterbirds - swans, ducks, geese, and gulls - live on the lakes and rivers and on the sea coasts of Great Britain.

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