четверг, 27 декабря 2018 г.

Самопрезентация интернет-проекта

Уважаемые гости и участники проекта! Коллектив ГБОУ школы № 65 поздравляет всех с наступающими Новогодними праздниками и Рождеством! 

Вашему вниманию представляется интернет-проект учителя английского языка Минахина Д. В. «Путешествие по Великобритании».

Миссия проекта состоит в адаптации современных мультимедийных технологий к процессу обучения английскому языку с целью повышения его эффективности.
Актуальность проекта заключается в использовании формата блога, уже знакомого поколению интернет-пользователей. При разнообразии упражнений сохраняется синхронность выполнения действий и эффективность контроля, так как задания проверяются автоматически. Обеспечивается принцип единства в многообразии.
Интернет-проект позволяет стимулировать интерес как к изучаемому предмету в частности, так и к учебному процессу в целом. Использование упражнений, созданных на базе сервиса LearningApps.org позволяет оптимизировать контроль за усвоением учебного материала и развивает самостоятельность обучающихся.
Необходимыми ресурсами для реализации проекта являются доступ к сети Интернет, сервисы Google и сервис для конструирования упражнений LearningApps.org.
Сильной стороной проекта является внедрение технологического подхода к изучению иностранного языка. Слабая сторона проекта – увлечение использованием интернет-технологий может стать самоцелью в процессе обучения. Опасность использования интернет-площадки в урочной деятельности состоит в том, что планирование урока начинает всецело зависеть от материально-технических условий.
Тем не менее, следует отметить возможность создания разнообразных упражнений, большой охват аудитории, сокращение времени на выполнение заданий, сокращение использования материальных ресурсов.
Развитие идеи находит выражение в создании комплекса упражнений для учеников разного возраста и формировании банка заданий по грамматическим и страноведческим темам.

среда, 26 декабря 2018 г.

Writng skills for the 11th form!

Writing skills: an Opinion Essay

Should cars be banned from the city centers?

The basic five-paragraph essay structure, which you have probably used many times by this point, works extremely well for an opinion essay. It’s a starting point, and when you get to university your profs will expect a more complex approach to essay writing. If you feel confident about your essay-writing skills, you can certainly branch out into longer and more complex essays. But this basic five-paragraph outline is a good starting point, especially if you feel uncertain of your ability.

An opinion essay exists to prove your main point – your thesis. This should be clearly stated in your opening paragraph. Don’t leave the reader to guess what your position is on the issue – make a clear stand!

Next, develop your argument in the body of your essay. Each paragraph should contain a single, clear idea that support your point of view. You can use examples and illustration, cause-and-effect reasoning, comparison/contrast or other methods of development to support your argument.

Research: Any statements you make that would cause a reader to say, “Wait, how do you know that’s true?” need to be backed up with documentation from outside sources (“I saw something on TV about it one time” would not be considered adequate documentation). Refer to the handout “What is Research?” for further details.

Remember that a paragraph is three to five sentences that develop a single, clear idea.  A good paragraph often begins with a topic sentence that sums up your main idea.

·         Paragraph One - The introduction.  Here you state the main idea of your entire essay -- the point you are trying to make or prove.  This paragraph should include your thesis statement plus three reasons why you believe this statement to be true.

·         Paragraphs Two, Three and Four.  These are the body of your essay.  Remember back in Paragraph One, you gave three reasons for your opinion? Three reasons, three body paragraphs.  Each of the body paragraphs should take one of your reasons and explain it in more detail, citing sources where necessary.

·         Paragraph Five -- The conclusion.  Former Newfoundland premier Joey Smallwood once said about giving speeches: "First I tell them what I'm going to tell them, then I tell them, then I tell them what I told them."  That's how you write an essay.  In the conclusion, tell them what you told them.  Sum up your argument by restating your thesis statement and reminding the reader what your three reasons were.  In an argumentative essay, you can finish with a "call to action" -- tell the reader what you would like them to do as a result.


Flora and Fauna of the British Isles

The fauna or animal life on the British Isles is like in the north-west of Europe. Many larger animals such as bears and wolves don't live on the British Isles anymore but there are a lot of smaller animals: foxes, rabbits, hares and hedgehogs. Deer live in the forests of Scotland and England too. There are also different kinds of fish, snakes, lizards, frogs, butterflies and dragonflies.
More than two hundred species of birds live on the British Isles and about two hundred kinds are visitors of the place. Many of them are songbirds, in spring land rings with their singing. The most common are blackbirds and sparrows. A lot of waterbirds - swans, ducks, geese, and gulls - live on the lakes and rivers and on the sea coasts of Great Britain.

Irregular plural forms

Relative pronouns

1. The woman who is standing near my mother is my teacher.
2. The man who I met yesterday was my uncle.
3. The boy whose name is Bob is our best pupil.
4. Mr. Black lives in the cottage whose name is "Sunny Garden".
5. The book which I'm reading now is very interesting.
6. The boy who is playing on the computer is my friend.
7. The story which I read yesterday was very interesting.
8. People who like music often come to this place to listen to it.
9. The room whose walls are yellow is the bestin the house.
10. This is the book that you wanted to read.

Irregular verbs for the 7th form

Irregular verbs
Be-Was/Were-Been (Present Tenses: am, is, are)
Modal verb: Can-Could; Can't-Couldn't
Regular verbs: Want, Play, Jump, Study, Look

четверг, 20 декабря 2018 г.

The Lost World


1. «Но что вы думаете об этом?» закричал профессор, торжествующе(trumphantly)указывая на то, что выглядело как огромный отпечаток пяти пальцев человеческой руки.
2. Ничто другое не могло оставить такой след(track).
3. Мы покинули болото(swamp).
4. Они имели кожу цвета(state-coloured) сланца.
5. Все пятеро сидели, уравновешивая себя с помощью широких(broad), мощных хвостов.
6. Мы стояли, пристально глядя на это невероятное зрелище(sight).
7. Время от времени дети играли вокруг своих родителей в неуклюжие(clumsy) игры.
8. Большие звери прыгали(hopping) в воздухе (Past Continuous).
9. Мы видели мерцающий(shimmering) блеск серой кожи между стволами(truks) деревьев.
10. Я посмотрел на своих товарищей(comrades).


четверг, 6 декабря 2018 г.


Read, translate the text and complete the task.

A hedgehog is covered by about 5.000 short, yellow-tipped spines. It`s spines are made from the same material as our nails. When it feels threatened it curls into a prickly ball, like a chestnut case.  Hedgehogs are gutsy eaters, and trundle over 2km a night in search of food. If you`re in a garden after dark and keep very quiet, you might hear one snuffling and grunting as it roots for worms.

Выполнить задание!

среда, 5 декабря 2018 г.

Against all odds!

Against all odds
(Read the texts and complete the tasks)
Joe and Simon chose the most difficult way up the mountain for their ascent. Nevertheless, they reached the peak without any problems. For their descent, however, they decided to take an easier path. But it was on this supposedly simpler route that disaster struck. Joe slipped and broke his leg in three different places. In severe pain, he was completely crippled, unable to go on. Both climbers knew what this meant. With no food or water left and in real threat of hypothermia, they simply had to get off the mountain quickly.  So, against all odds, Simon decided to try to get his injured friend down to safety using a rope. He began lowering his friend down the mountain...one hundred incredibly painful metres at a time. 

Выполнить задание 1

Выполнить задание 2

It’s not waste until you waste it!

Картинки по запросу It’s not waste until you waste it!
It’s not waste until you waste it!

Think carefully about how you can reuse something before you throw it away. Make a compost heap in the garden with fruit and vegetable material – it will decompose and make good fertiliser for your plants. Also, if things break, try to repair them before you replace them. Remember that one man’s rubbish is another man’s treasure! If you buy a replacement for something you already have, give the old item to someone who can use it. Have your jeans got holes in the knees? Make new shorts out of them or give them to someone who needs them. Don’t throw away empty jars and bottles; rinse them out and use them to store other things.

Use less stuff!

Use less stuff!
Read fifteen councils and complete the tasks below.
Reuse something before you throw it away.
Make a compost heap in the garden with fruit and vegetable material – it will decompose and make good fertiliser for your plants.
Try to repair things before you replace them.
Give the old item to someone who can use it.
Don’t throw away empty jars and bottles; rinse them out and use them to store other things.
Use light bulbs that save energy. You can also switch off the cooker a few minutes earlier – there will still be enough heat to finish cooking the food.
Turn down the heating and put on warmer clothes if you’re cold.
Try the 30-day rule – only buy it if you still want it 30 days after you first saw it. At the supermarket, avoid buying things you do not need by writing a shopping list before you go and making sure you keep to it.
Take a sandwich in a reusable lunch box, juice in a reusable bottle and a banana, rather than a sandwich in a plastic bag, or a carton of juice and biscuits which are each wrapped in silver paper and even more plastic. 
Use less packaging than several smaller ones.
Try to cut down on the amount of paper you use.
Use a computer and proofread your writing on the screen before you print it out.
Telephone calls and email messages don’t create paper waste.
Last but not least, encourage your friends to cut down on waste too! 
Swap magazines, books and clothes, send them a copy of this newsletter (on recycled paper, of course!) or start a ‘Use Less Stuff!’ campaign at your school!

воскресенье, 2 декабря 2018 г.

Travelling together

Read and learn by heart the dialogue. Then act it out.

A.      Hi! Nice to meet you.
B.      Hello. It`s so good we are travelling together.
A.      Where are from?
B.      I am from Italy.
A.      You are Italian, aren`t you?
B.      I don`t know exactly. My mother is half German and half Italian. My father is half Welsh and half Russian. So what nationality am I?
A.      Oh, it`s really difficult to say!
B.      Are you going to learn Russian?
A.      It is a difficult language. I think we`ll have good practice in Moscow.
B.      What time do we land in Moscow?
A.      At half past four.
B.      OK. Is it cold in Moscow now?
A.      I don`t think so. It`s about zero.
B.      That`s good. I am going to walk about the city.

The visit to St. Paul's Cathedral

Find more interesting facts about St. Paul`s Cathedral (1 or 2) and comment!

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